
Tuesday, 24 December 2024


A black tablet wovent band decorated with lime green stylised frogs hangs in a green hedge

This is the first new band I've woven entirely at the new house we moved to in October! It's taken quite a while to finish thanks to my current never ending to-do list, but I'm hoping to get back into the swing of thigs soon as my naked loom is currently looking at me reproachfully.

I drew the original design for this draft back in March 2023 and when I came back to it, I added the little wave that the pairs of frogs are giving each other for a touch of whimsy. The green yarn I used is called Lime Sorbet and is by Mothy and the Squid on her sock yarn base. It seemed fitting as she's a bit of a frog enthusiast herself. Lime Sorbet is one of her summer yarns, but she currently has plenty of others currently for sale in pleasingly froggy colours.

This draft comes in two halves; Frog A and Frog B. If you weave both halves, you will have four fully twist-neutral pattern tablet frogs. The draft will still work if you only weave one of the halves, you'll just have a small amount of build-up behind the middle pattern tablets.

A tablet weaving draft consisting of a grid to show how the tablets should be threaded and a grid to show how they should be turned to produce two waving frog motifs
Frog B
A tablet weaving draft consisting of a grid to show how the tablets should be threaded and a grid to show how they should be turned to produce two waving frog motifs
Frog A

Link to the Frog A TDD file
Link to the Frog A text version
Link to the Frog B TDD file
Link to the Frog B text version

As with all of the free drafts/patterns on this site, you are welcome to weave them, sell bands woven using them, and use them to teach other weavers, just as long as you state where you found them.